Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Kidney Failure - Dialysis (Damon D.)

Damon D.
Enzacta Start Date: September 2, 2011
1st month product testimony

I have been on dailysis since March 14, 2008.  It all started in July 2005 I went into the hospital with pneunomia and was given a medicine I was allergic to.  I didn't know it, nor did the hospital, seven days later both kidneys shutdown and I was rushed back into the hospital.

I was told if my kidneys didn't start working they would have to put me on dialysis.  Needless to say they started working and lasted until March 2008 when they shut down totally.

On Saturday, Sept. 2, 2011 I begin taking the purple rice formula and I began to feel more energy.  My hands and legs were stiff and began to loosen.  I was taking pain medicine five times a day and now with PXP I only take it two times a day.  I begin taking one teaspoon a day; but by the end of the first week my body begin to crave the pxp more, so I increased to two teaspoon, then three.  My body hurt less, eyes begin to clear on a regular bases and I just felt better overall.  Even my legs hurt less. Taking one teaspoon per day is like trying to eat one potato chip it really can't be done.

My blood pressure is checked every half hour when I'm at dialysis. Sometimes it varies. The numbers are at the high point sometimes and low others.  Lately in the late few weeks since I started PXP they have stayed in the low normal range 135/86 and numbers in that nature.

I go to dialysis MWF every week and run for about four hours and fifteen minutes.  It was on those days that I  take 4 scoops because it would ease the pain of the process sometimes.  In most cases it would help me rest better during the process.  To me this product is a GOD send because as I take it my body craves it more because it is helping to heal somethings and I believe strengthen others.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Depression & Lethargy: (Melyssa D.)

Melyssa D.
Enzacta Start Date:  July 2010

For at least 20 years I suffered from a kind of functional low grade to moderate depression that hindered me.  Prior to taking Enzacta I also suffered from constant muscle pain in my legs that made it difficult to climb stairs or even step off a curb.   I was always very stiff in the mornings and my first steps when I got up were always painful.

During the first two weeks of taking Enzacta I did not feel well.  It was the middle of summer, very hot, and I had a lot of pain in my legs that had been present for several months. I never had the pain diagnosed, but it felt like sore muscles.  I have no idea what caused it.  It  felt like poison was in my muscles every day.

At first I wanted to quit Enzacta because it didn't seem to be helping me, but my friend who referred me explained I was detoxing and I needed to stay with it.   He promised that when I got to the otherside of detoxing, I would feel great.

After the first two months of using one to two daily doses, my depression mostly disappeared. The pain in my legs started to disappear and I was not stiff in the mornings like I had been.  I could step off a curb without having to concentrate to do it.  I was feeling better and a bit younger.

Early in my regimen, I ran out of Enzacta and found myself not wanting to leave my TV room and wrapped in a blanket crying for no really good reason.  I know, pathetic.  

Dave was quick to point out my relapse coincided with running out of Enzacta.  I got back on the product right away and my health has improved ever since.  Today I have been on the product for 15 months.   I am completely without pain and feel like I did 15 or 20 years ago.  I didn't expect it, but my income increased too.  I work a commission sales job and my income nearly doubled this year.   These blessings are not coincidental.  They are a direct result of using Enzacta PXP every day.
Enzacta also addressed my lethargy.  Before PXP,  I took a 5-hour energy shot every morning to get into work before 10 am.  I  bought those shot sized drinks 30 at a time at the gas station.  I have used an energy shot since July 2010.  I don't even think about them anymore.   My lethargy is much better.
I built this blog because of what Enzacta did for me and my overwhelming desire to see that this cutting edge science-meets-nutrition miracle is shared with as many people as possible.